Опасните болести тръгват първо от краката

11 юни 2024 08:18   4 коментара   6089 прочита



По състоянието на краката може да се съди за болестите, от които страда човек, още преди да бъде поставена диагноза от лекар. Често хората приемат обикновените болки в краката като умора, игнорирайки сериозни проблеми със здравето. Обикновено отоците причиняват временен дискомфорт, предизвикан от продължително стоене в изправено положение или дълъг полет със самолет, особено при бременност. От друга страна, ако отокът на долните крайници се запази дълго време, това може да е признак на сериозно заболяване. Най-разпространените причини са лошо кръвообращение, проблеми с лимфната система или тромб. Възможно е също да става дума за проблеми с бъбреците или щитовидната жлеза. Изкривените пръсти могат също да бъдат симптом на ревматично заболяване или страничен ефект от валгусна деформация.

Понякога извитата форма на ноктите и пръстите може да бъде просто семейна наследствена черта. Болката, възникваща в областта на костта, разположена между петите и пръстите, може да бъде предизвикана от така нареченото стресово счупване. Фрактурата може да бъде предизвикана от интензивно физическо натоварване или ходене на големи разстояния. Болката в костта между пръстите и петата може да бъде предизвикана и от некротичен фасциит – състояние, което включва възпаление на връзките. Ако не се потърси навреме лекар, може да възникне гангрена или септицемия. Сърбежът в краката може да сигнализира за екзема. Тя може да бъде гъбична (предизвикана от гъбична инфекция), бактериална или алергична. Друга причина може да бъде псориазис на стъпалото. Това състояние се проявява със зачервяване на кожата, поява на бели петна, кожата на краката може да се напука. Ако краката ви постоянно мръзнат, една от причините може да бъде лошо кръвообращение. Проблемите с кръвообращението могат да бъдат предизвикани от тютюнопушене, високо кръвно налягане или нарушения в работата на сърцето. Освен това според специалистите диабетът може да доведе до увреждане на нервите, което на свой ред може да предизвика преохлаждане на краката. Причината за измененията в походката при преместване на тежестта от единия на другия крак може да бъде частична загуба на чувствителност в крайниците в резултат на поражение на периферни нерви. Примерно 30% от тези ситуации настъпват в резултат на диабет.


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4 коментара
11 Юни 2024 14:09 | Louisecruct

Optimizing Your Cycle for Travel

Traveling by bike is usually efficient and pleasant Along Utilizing the suitable setup. Begin by installing fenders to keep you dry in wet situations and adding a rear rack for transporting essentials like your notebook, lunch, or a replacement of clothes. A comfortable seat and ergonomic grabs can make your journey more enjoyable, particularly on longer commutes. Verify your bicycle has good lighting and reflective accessories to boost visibility through early night time or evening hours rides. Take into account attaching a bell to notify pedestrians for the pavements alongside bikers of a respective own profile. Routine upkeep, including checking tire pressure and verifying the brakes are in exceptional shape, is essential to avoid breakdowns. Utilizing mishap resistant tires can also aid deter flat tires. For those with longer commutes, take into account a bike with numerous gearing to manage varying ground more easily. By enhancing your cycle for commuting, you can render your regular trips more easy, protected, and pleasant, transforming your journey into a favorable part of your day.

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20 Октомври 2024 22:35 | MartinKique

How Hiring The State Welfare Impairment Attorney Proves to Be Vital.
Hiring The Social Security Incapability Lawyer Proves to Be Necessary.

The Shielding Social Assets Supervises many projects from job-loss protection to welfare assistance, and also manages impairment benefits for people not able to engage in employment due to persistent health issues or damage. As with all sophisticated body, there are regulations and guidelines which must be complied with by the mentioned bureau in sequence to receive perks. In need of the expert Social Security Act legal professional Is crucial.

Hiring an knowledgeable SSD lawyer might aid you handle the challenges of SSA State Supplementary Assistance, boosting your probability of sanction for advantages. They shall ensure that your proposal is registered accurately and includes supporting medical evidence; moreover, they are aware of how to gather this evidence quickly so it is not submitted late; moreover, they may steer clear of presenting irrelevant data that could cause holdups and dismissals by the Social Security Administration.

Your expert in disability matters will also prime you for a hearing with Social Security Administration if your request is turned down, by outlining what to await at it and responding any of your queries about what happens there. They could support with presenting additional evidence and requesting the magistrate who heard your legal case to review their decision and grill witnesses or vocational authorities called by Social Security to testify on your behalf, which will increase the chance that an primary appeal for disability succeeds if initially denied. Social security disability attorneys could get back any past due perks due to changes in the starting date, which denotes when your state began. Proficient disability advocates will help with winning back any past due perks that would have been lost due to changes in the starting date or when your ailment began.

Qualifying for Social Security Disability requires a thorough examination of how your conditions impact your ability to work

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19 Ноември 2024 08:19 | Michaelscoca

High-pressure washing is a great way to prolong the durability of commercial roofing. By avoiding the collection of moss, algae, and grime, business roofs stay in better condition, lowering the necessity for costly repairs and replacements. Lichen and algae can hold water, leading to structural issues and leaks. Frequent pressure cleaning eliminates these destructive agents, preserving the roofing material and integrity. Moreover, a neat roof surface repels more sunlight, decreasing heat retention and reducing air conditioning expenses. By ensuring a well-maintained and intact roofing system, business owners may increase its longevity and preserve their property. If you're curious, please visit my home and business high-pressure washing site to learn more.

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20 Ноември 2024 05:47 | KarenCam

Ensuring the protection of your house is essential in today's unsettled times. One of the top ways to secure your valuables and peace of mind is by investing in a trustworthy safe. No matter whether you're protecting cash, vital paperwork, or precious heirlooms, a safe offers a protected storage solution.

In terms of picking the appropriate safe for your house, there are numerous aspects to consider. Primarily, consider your safety requirements. Decide what possessions you intend to store in the safe and the degree of protection required for each and every item.

Next, think about the size and placement of the safe. Choose a safe that suits conveniently in your residence while supplying adequate storage for your belongings. Ensure that the safe can be mounted in a safe area, such as anchored to the floor or wall.

Moreover, inspect the protective elements of the safe. Look for characteristics such as sturdy construction, reliable locking mechanisms, and fireproof materials. Take into account investing in a safe with added security features, for instance biometric fingerprint scanners or electronic keypads.

Finally, don't forget to take into account your budget when selecting a safe. Set a practical budget based on your protection necessities and look around for choices that match within your financial constraints.

Ultimately, picking the appropriate safe for your house is essential for keeping your belongings protected. By assessing your security needs, thinking about the size and placement of the safe, inspecting safety measures, and setting a spending limit, you can secure maximum protection for your precious possessions.

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